Black Coffee: A Dark Affair

The magnum opus about a much heralded Indian warrior queen takes a pause for Intermission. The bright lights come on inside the movie theatre. Those still seated are approached by the staff from the Food Court in uniforms and caps, exchanging customary greetings and checking for the choice of calorific assault one was considering to subject oneself to while watching the valiant royalty fall in action as the celluloid narrative progressed.

A young lady in uniform beams a smile at me: Hello Ma’am, would you like to place an order?

Me returning the smile: Yes please. I’d like a black coffee if you happen to serve them, thank you.

Lady taking down the order brightens up: Yes, sure Ma’am. We do serve black coffee.

Me: Super. Thank you.

She seems clouded by concern though: But Ma’am, the coffee is going to be very dark.

Me with renewed attention: How do you mean?

Her: Means Ma’am, it will be very black.

Me trying to decode the emphasis being placed on the 50 shades of dark: You mean you make it extra strong?

Her: Yes Ma’am. Like it be much darker than regular coffee.

Me:  Without the milk right?

Her: Yes, ma’am.

Me feeling reassured: Ah, works for me. I’ll have one very dark coffee then please. Thank you.

Her: Sure Ma’am.

The coffee is duly served at my seat shortly after the movie has resumed.

As I take a sip, my friend leans-in and checks: “How’s your coffee?”

Can’t tell,” I whisper back. “It’s very dark…

PC: newstriger

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